Understanding Aquatic or Hydrospheric Ecosystems: Definition, Types, and Examples
Hydrospheric Ecosystem:
Hydrospheric ecosystem refers to an aquatic system in which living and non-living components interact with each other in water. The exchange of material and energy transfer takes place in water.
Component of ecosystem:
There are two main components of an aquatic ecosystem:
Biotic components include living organisms. There Three biotic factors producers(algae, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic protists); consumers(fishes, snail, reptiles, etc); and decomposers(fungi and bacteria)
Abiotic components include all non-living things, such as light, water, soil.
Types of aquatic ecosystem:
Scientists categorize aquatic ecosystems into two main types:
- Freshwater ecosystem
- Marine ecosystem
Freshwater ecosystem:
Lakes, rivers, streams, springs, wetlands, and ponds with low salt concentrations are include in freshwater ecosystems. concentration of salt. They covers less than 1% of Earth's total surface and serve as habitats for many multicellular and unicellular organisms. There are three types of freshwater ecosystems:
A wetland is a place where soil is dissolved in water. It is a semi-aquatic area, sometimes near land and sometimes on land. Wetlands support biodiversity and are important for many organisms. They can be permanent or seasonal. Wetlands help in control flood and provide a wide range of habitats. Swaps, marshes and bogs are examples of wetlands. Many birds stop at wetland for food and shelter during migration, and some mammals also live there. A view of wetland shown in picture.
Lentic system:
It includes lakes and ponds. These are still water bodies that support animals and plants. Lakes are vary in depth, size and nutrient content. They also have temperature satisfaction and life zones. Lakes are divided into three zones.
The Littoral zone is near the land, characterized by shallow water. Light and nutrients are abundant there. In the deepest region of littoral zone, algae and vascular plants are present, along with invertebrates such as larvae, hydra and snails.
The profundal zone is the deepest zone, where light is insufficient for photosynthesis. Detritus feeders and decomposers are present there. It contains nutrients that fall from the upper zones. It is the darkest region.
Limnetic zone is found in the center of littoral and profundal zone. There is light found which support photosynthesis. Here cyanobacteria are producers.
Lotic system:
It include streams and rivers. These are flowing water bodies. Many species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are live there. It help in movement of slow aquatic animals. The depth and width is from few centimeters to kilometers. . Rivers are kilometers in width.
Marine water ecosystem:
Marine ecosystem include oceans and seas with high concentration of salt. It is largest ecosystem of Earth. It cover approximately71% of total Earth's surface. It is a big source of water. This water is unable for drinking purposes. Its organisms have adaptation to remove salt during breathing and respiration. There are several types of marine ecosystem:
Polar ecosystem:
The aquatic ecosystem in polar areas; Arctic and Antarctic regions. Arctic and Antarctic oceans have wide range. Temperature is very low there. Water is covered by a thick layer of ice. It is nutrient-rich water because of upwelling currents. Sunlight is not available in winter but available up to 24 hours in summer. Icefish, whales, penguins, seals and many phytoplankton live there. Phytoplankton produce there food during summer.
Open ocean:
Open oceans are largest ecosystem cover 65% of total Earth's surface. It is also known as pelagic zone. Except sea floor it include all oceans. It is nutrient rich and provide wide range for species. Its pressure is increased as increase in depth. A diverse group of animal live there. It help in stabilizing temperature by reducing green house effect.
Deep sea ecosystem:
It cover about 50% of ocean. It is 1500m to 5000m deep. It is wide spread area for living. It is nutrient rich due to hydrothermal vents.
Coastal ecosystem:
It is located where oceans meet land. These are home to variety of habitats which are mangroves, bays, seagrass beds and many more. It provide nutrient to organism from soil sediments.
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